Game King offers an excellent selection of chocolate machines and skill testers.
- Clean, modern design
Latest graphics attracts players.
Smooth surfaces are easy to clean. Flicker less fluorescent lights are bright and clear - Unique, robust construction
Designed for the repairer, not the manufacturer, so there’s less downtime.
Australian made with quality components - Maximum uptime. Hi-tech components
Latest anti-jam coin chute, easy-clean coin mechanism and note reader for cash processing. No more coin jams! - Large front-mounted touch-screen display
Clearly communicates essential information to players - User interaction is logged
Giving you more data on how and when your machine is used - Satisfied customers keep coming back.
User friendly with better game play
Product sensor, so every player wins either a major or minor prize
Stock sensing controls automatically adjusts the height of the product tray so it always looks full
Climate controlled so chocolates are always cool - Innovative. 32” widescreen LCD display panel
Giving users an interactive experience before, during and after game play

Many Benefits of a Cadbury Chocolate Machine
The following is just a few;
- Trusted Name and instant Brand recognition this also means as operators we are governed by Higher Authority (Cadbury) and therefore have strict compliance and license agreements.
- Increases sales in other areas due to giving the customer the thought of wanting food. (Verified by Smiths Snack Vend QLD long-term sales increase).
- Provides entertainment, which keeps people in the centre for longer and therefore increases turnover in many other areas.
- Proven audience of all ages are attracted to this machine, as everybody loves chocolate. (80% of customers are aged between 30-75 yrs old).
- Great value at 2 games for $1 and 5 games for $2
- Latest design with outstanding reliability, accepts all coins from 10c eliminating breakdowns and change issues, also includes rolling LCD display
- Fantastic presentation, to the extent probably the best-looking machine available in today’s market.
- We supply, stock, service, and maintain the machines by our local technicians providing unrivalled back up support and full service.

SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY providing you with a 24 HR BREAK DOWN service
Many satisfied clients with good established long term relationships.
- Lend Lease Management
- MCS Properties Management
- C B Richard Ellis
- Jones Lang LaSalle
- Central Coast Leagues Club
- Sutherland District Trade Union Club
- Pittwater RSL Club
- Byvan Management
- Centro Properties Ltd
- McConoughy Properties
- Club Macquarie
- Tuggerah Lakes Memorial Club
- St Mary’s Rugby League Club
Plus many more centres.