One major part of starting a vending machine business is to understand the effective way to target your customers. After all, without customers, you will not sell any products. Of course, there are other aspects to learn about to ensure success with your venture. While many vending companies will offer you advice on all this, it is wise to do some of your own research prior to speaking with any of them. For this reason, we provide you with the following aspects of starting a vending machine business and targeting the right customers.


Vending sales are highly influenced by where you locate your machines. For example, if you place them in a low-income area of town, you may not sell as many products as you would if you install them in a more affluent location. In addition, the type of building or whether the machines are indoors or outdoors are other influencing factors. For all these reasons, choose where to set up your machines wisely by performing the necessary research beforehand.

Gender, Age and Other Demographics May Influence Your Sales

Women will buy different products that men will and in different quantities. Older people will be stingier with their spending than a younger group of people of ages 20 to 40 years old would be in many cases. Children will often talk their parents into vending purchases. Low-income, middle-income or high-income areas vary greatly with their vending purchases with the last two being the most profitable. All of these are valid examples of how demographics can make or break your vending business efforts.

Time of the Year Can Influence Sales in Some Locations

Outdoor vending machines at the beach in the middle of winter will not sell products as quickly as they do during the spring and summer seasons. In order to avoid slow selling periods, especially in the early days of your business, you need to time the installation of your machines to when the most people will be visiting your location.

You Need to Offer a Variety of Products

Another way to target the right customers is with a wide variety of quality products. Be certain that all the products are name brand ones that the customers will recognise easily too, or they will hesitate in making any purchases from your vending machines.

Turn to a Reputable Vending Company for Your Machines and Supplies

Along with targeting the right customers, you need to turn to a reliable vending company, such as Gameking, for your supplies and machines to ensure that you receive quality ones as well as ongoing service and maintenance for your machines. Our company will guide you in the right direction for the types of machines and products that are best for your location whether you want combo, healthy food, fresh food, drink or snack related ones.